Call-Customer centers with human assistant.
Call-Customer centers with chatbots.
Customer centers voice based (calls).
Customer centers text based (chats).
Providing good service to customers and understanding their needs while properly managing their emotional states is a necessity and a competitive advantage for large companies. Especially in times when such services are usually automated and dehumanized.
Kopernica can support a more advanced system to help and manage CS by understanding moods and worries of customers. It can process customer’s inputs and manage them:
- Waiting list management.
- Management of emotions for complaints.
- Programmed responses and stimuli.
- Notices and recommendations to the telephone operator.
It can provide:
- Emotional monitoring of the client.
- Limit levels of patience.
- Negative / Neutral Emotional Levels
- Anxiety.
- Excitement and impulsivity (threshold for potential sales).
- Creation of tailored models per client according to their emotional state: music on hold, telephone operator instructions and guides, redefining waiting lists according to mood variables.