Kopernica Introduction
Kopernica is the most advanced A.I. to capture information from human beings in order to better understand all their emotional, behavioral and cognitive processes.
Achieving unique 3D face control that allows measurement with natural human movements and detection of more than 790 landmarks of the human body – 7 times more than other current solutions. and faceless control that preserves personal data if necessary.
Kopernica is the most advanced Human AI solution made of generative neural networks.

Kopernica is a non intrusive system that interprets and understands human being’s gestures, emotions, attitudes, behaviors, attention, spoken and written speech. Kopernica analyzes and anticipates future behaviors and actions.

The best performance with
the most advanced neural network
to detect human emotions and behaviors.
A deep learning based on 9 years of neuro researches for the creation the largest dataset. It is the body of Kopernica’s konowledge. A big AI’s training with 10 deep layers to bring the highest level of accuracy ever known.
The most advanced system existing to detect and understand the human being.

Just watching and listening Kopernica is potentially capable of detecting and measuring:
Decision making.
Mind States.
Deceiful speech.
Other human key indicators.
And also predict and recreate those states.
Kopernica has several kinds of detectors, up to 790 (more than any by far).
Landmarks of control of facial muscles, gestures, angle, opening / closing of eyes and mouth, eyebrow, etc.
benefit #1
Kopernica can provide useful information on human knowledge and understanding.
benefit #2
It can be used in different devices.
(only cam and/or mic is needed

Can be applied in markets such as:
Market research, Communication, Show Business, Entertainment, Security, Smart Cities, Robots, Home automation, Gambling-Betting, Driving safety, IOT (Internet of things), Education, Human Resources, Work Safety, Video calls, Massive Events, Industry Processes, Quality controls, Politics, Cyber security, among many others.

benefit #3
Kopernica can be applied in different market solutions.
benefit #4
It can be integrated or adapted in any software with API-SDK
Also it can be a SaaS model.

benefit #5
Kopernica preserves privacy and personal data.
kopernica scope
Is endless, It can be used to measure massively, individually or integrated in other platforms.

Interviews and meetings.
Job interviews.
Market research interviews.
Service robots
Virtual assistants (eg Siri, Alexa …)
Health (instant pre-diagnoses).
Job security.

Massive market tests.
Security and control of large places.
Control and analysis of events and audiences.
Identification of people and level of risk.

Through API / SDK integration it analyzes the interaction, behavior and emotions of users and audiences:
Platforms and systems of all kinds.
Social Networks.
What differentiates Kopernica from other emotional measurement systems?
The highest Accuracy
Vision: The unique dataset for training the neural network is based mainly on 560 neuro researches, up to 50,000 people in Neurologyca’s fieldwork neurolabs and billions of outputs from neurotechnologies: Electroencephalogram, Galvanic Skin Response, Eyetracking, Heart Rate, Facial Coding, Electromyography, Gestures, etc. A deep learning with up to 2,500 million of people´s frames synchronized with neurolab tools outputs .
Voice: A revolutionary system of detection and interpretation of natural language: unlike others, Kopernica emotionally measures word by word, syllable by syllable… instead of sentences, avoiding the current problems in this type of methodologies. Kopernica Voice is able to differentiate the voice of various speakers, filter out noises that could lower the quality, interpret and predict when information is missing and understand the emotional nuances of different accents in different languages.

The largest dataset:
2,500 Million frames
syncrhonized with neurotechnologies’ outputs after 9 years of neuroresearch experience.

Emotional landmarks: Facial coding – Elkman & Plutchik scientific basic

from up to 80 scientific publications

Visual Emotional: Libraries and Universities

Typology and Personality models:

2 of eyetracking calculation models

Emotional behavior:
Gestures-attitudes – synercology

2 Natural Language models